Wow did I have an amazing weekend at Crypticon!!! It was my second year going to the Seattle horror convention and my first year selling my horror crafts at our booth.
And they actually sold yay!!! I was impressed, people actually liked my stuff and I finally made some money doing the thing I love the most! It felt really good. Besides that I got to meet one of my favorite horror icons of all time Elvira the Mistress of the Dark!
She was super nice and she autographed me and my bestie Stephie Poo's arms and we got the autographs tattooed on us, then we got to cut back in line and show Elvira our tattoos and she took pictures of them.
Our tattoo artist, Majenta Monroe, was another awesome person I got to meet there, from the Diamond Tattoo shop in downtown Renton. I wish I had gotten a better picture of her and not just her back.
Not only was she super rad and did an awesome job on my tattoo and I will definetely go back to her for more tattoos, but she also bought my gremlin hat for $20 and said I was selling it too cheap. She said I should make more of them and bring them down to her shop and she would sell them for $40 each, yay!!! So of course I have already started knitting some more and I'm gonna try making some mogwai ones also.
Another one of my favorite parts of the con was going to the Prom of the Dead dance party and costume contest with my Stephie Poo. We didn't have enough time to plan a costume this year but next year we are definetely planning on it. We had a few too many drinks (they were free, can't pass that up!) and danced all night with alot of rad people including Cleeve Hall, a special effects artist for movies like Troll, Ghoulies, and Two-headed Shark Attack.
But enough about what I did at the con, this is supposed to be a crafting blog and I should probably tell you about the crafts I made for Crypticon.
I made these horror barrettes from shrinky dink paper and glued them onto hair clips from the dollar store. They were a popular item and I will definetely make more for the con next year.
Also I'm big into crosstitching right now so I wanted to do a horror crosstitch with the old school "Home Sweet Home" crosstitch letters on it, but instead I did "Murder Sweet Murder" with a Friday the 13th theme, then framed it and splattered it with "blood" paint. this one turned out really cute in a sick and twisted sort of way and was also another popular one there. I plan on making many more of these for next year also.
I also had my Fido Krueger wiener dog made from an old sock and a Kirby Krueger made from a paper plate.
Also my Chucky felt picture (one of the first horror crafts I ever made) and in honor of the director of Troll who was at the con, I made a Galwyn the mushroom softie in a little flower pot. I frickin love that movie!!!
And then of course there was my gremlin hat and I also had copies of my "My Little Pony" horror zine titled "A Bronie's Guide to Halloween and Horror". Every year for the whole month of October I like to watch a different horror movie everyday, and this last Halloween I decided to draw a picture of a My Little Pony to go along with the movie I watched each day. It turned out to be alot of fun and I decided to compile all the pictures into a little zine that turned out pretty rad I think. Eventually I will have them for sale in my Etsy shop.
I won't show you all 31 pictures but here are a few of my favorites from the zine:
Next year I will be doing the same for Halloween but instead of My Little Pony this time I want to do Care Bears with 31 all new horror movies, so stay tuned for that! I'm done rambling on about crafts for now, I'm just super excited about selling my crafts at Crypticon and I can't wait for next years con!!! You should all come check it out too if you love horror movies, it is alot of fun and definetely worth it!
I'm back with the next episode! This is supposed to be April's blog post but I was super busy the last part of the month with Elias' birthday and Raven's spring play and I didn't get a chance to post it. Wow I did alot of crafting in April! I painted Angry Birds party hats and made an Angry Birds banner for Elias' birthday party, and I also made him a hat and card.

He had a sleepover with a bunch of ten year old boys and it actually wasn't too bad! We got them all sugared up on kid crack (candy, cake, and root beer floats). Jacob made the root beer flavored Angry Birds cake because he is the Cake Boss and I am baking impaired. Surprisingly nobody threw up, but they did stay up all night of course. Luckily they didn't get too rowdy and the downstairs neighbor who is a huge D-bag didn't call the cops.

I also helped out alot with the spring play, mending costumes and painting saddle shoes. But my favorite part of that was painting the gosling hats and shoes for the teacher's little kids. When they came out on stage in their little gosling costumes it was one of my favorite parts of the play, they were soooo cute! I even got a special thanks in the play's program, so that was pretty cool! And of course Raven's performance of Fern was awesome as usual. She is even famous now she got noticed by someone at the library who recognized her from the play, woo hoo!

Earlier in the month my crafting mentor mommy-in-law taught me crosstitching and how to knit some really easy slippers. I will call her Pam the Crafting Wizard from now on. Anyhow I have been knitting slippers like crazy, they only take a few hours to make. I made the Rainbow Dash ones for Raven, and I asked Raven what I should make for her friend for her upcoming birthday and she said she loves narwhals, so I had to make her narwhal slippers of course!

And last but not least I have been crosstitching like crazy, my newest obsession. The cherry one was my very first one I did and I became hooked. I made the seagull one for Pam the Crafting Wizard for an early Mother's Day present to put in her beach themed bathroom, and I made the kids each something.

I'm also working on some rad horror themed ones to sell at Crypticon but you have to wait and see those ones on my next blog post after Crypticon this month. I can't wait for that, I'm gonna meet Elvira, no big deal, and possibly get her autograph tattooed on me if I can afford it, Yay!!! Anyways gotta go I have lots more crafting to do with Mother's Day and Crypticon coming up this month. Later crazy crafters!
Hey crafty people out there, I had a great Easter weekend, how about you? It started off on Friday night when Jacob aka big goth daddy Jacob the prince of darkness brought home this giant chocolate gangsta bunny from Wal-mart (or as I like to call it white trash mart) and said we were having an Easter poker tournament with the bunny as the prize for the winner. Nothing says Easter quite like a poker tournament! He got root beer and giant pretzel sticks for the kids because you have to drink beer and smoke cigars when you play poker naturally, and of course I had my Fat Tire and Kettle chips.
So anyway we had a fun night of poker which I had never really played before and I was awesome at it and was kicking butt. It went late into the night and finally we quit and decided to share the prize. The bunny by the way was called dude bunny and looked like a gangsta with bling and everything, best chocolate bunny ever!
On Saturday Raven ran off to her friend's house to spend the night because the next day on Easter her and her bestie were dressing up like rabbits and having an easter egg hunt for a bunch of little kids. So it was just Elias and I, it was a gorgeous sunny day and we painted eggs out on the porch.
We of course gave them googly eyes and moustaches. We also tried a new craft I read about online where you take water balloons and put chocolate egg candies inside then wrap them with glue covered yarn, let them dry then pop the balloon. You are supposed to get this cool looking yarn egg with a candy inside, but not us! Big mistake, this was my worst crafting disaster ever!
First of all it sucked trying to get the candy into the balloons and blowing them up without popping them. We ended up popping more balloons then we got ones to actually craft with. This made Elias happy though because he kept eating all the candy out of the popped balloons. Then putting the glue soaked yarn onto the balloons was hell, it was very messy and gross, and a huge pain. Elias gave up and I ended up doing that part on my own. We managed to get six done and waited til the next morning to excitedly pop the balloons and see how they turned out. Well when we popped them the yarn kind of imploded into a stupid messy yarn ball. They did not harden and keep their shape at all and was a major crafting bummer.
We will never do that craft again! That's usually what happens when I try doing a craft that's not something I came up with on my own, I guess I'm not good at following instructions or something. Oh well we still had alot of fun and I got to decorate with some tacky Easter decorations including peeps lights and lego bunnies.
I also decoupaged some cute Easter decorations and made one of my paper wreaths, this one Easter themed with plastic Easter eggs glued on. I wanted to make a Critters 2 wreath because its my favorite Easter movie but I couldn't because we were out of color ink in our printer to print the Critters pictures I needed. Oh well at least I can still watch the movie! Happy Easter crazy crafters!!!