I made the banner with cardboard and old gift bags for the "happy birthday" letters, felt and glitter for the ponies cutie marks, party bows, and some cute cupcake and candy iron on transfers. I glued these all onto a long piece of yarn. It turned out really cute and is still hanging in our living room because I don't want to take it down!
I took old party hats from past birthday parties and decoupaged them with pink cupcake print napkins, then decorated them with feathers, ribbons, pom poms, and sequins, and added felt and glitter cutie marks for each pony. I also decoupaged and decorated some cute pink cupcake print prizes, and Raven made up a pony jeopardy game online for the guests to play and the winner got to choose a prize.
We had gourmet cupcakes of course and chocolate milk to drink (Pinkie Pie's favorite drink), and I found my little pony trading cards at the dollar store that I put in treat bags with some candy for cute little party favors. Luckily I was able to find one giant my little pony balloon for the party so we had that, and the guests all wore their my little pony cosplay costumes from halloween (Raven insisted they wear them or she would murder them all hee hee!)
Oh and of course we had the show playing on the tv the whole time in the background! And last but not least I made Raven a Pinkie Pie birthday card, and to go along with all the my little pony toys, clothes and other stuff she got for presents I made her a Discord hat and picture. She loves Discord, he is her favorite villian and it is very hard to find good Discord merchandise out there.
Her my little pony collection has grown immensely since xmas and her birthday, I wonder what it will look like after our trip to the my little pony convention this summer, yes we are that big of nerds, so what??!!
We had an awesome my little pony party even though it was scary and full of teenage girls (poor Elias hid in the corner on the computer all day!) Now that Raven's party is over we found out that Wal-mart will be getting in my little pony friendship is magic party decorations very soon (of course!) but we had so much fun planning this party that it doesn't matter, besides there is always next year! Until next time crazy crafters!!!